Posted by Sudhir Agarwal on Apr 1, 2020
Sudhir Agarwal
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Posted by Sudhir Agarwal on
Apr 1, 2020
Posted By: Sudhir Agarwal

In our continued commitment to be transparent and report on our operational health, I am pleased to share our weekly Work-at-Home Transformation briefing. Last week we committed to enabling up to 77% of our workforce to work from home and I am proud to share that we once again achieved our target. Currently, 84% of our global workforce is supporting customers remotely. Additionally, 98% of planned deployments have been completed and 96% of those deployed are working.

Market Assessment

Last week, a record 3.3 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week, exceeding the previous record of 695,000 set in October 1982. These are unprecedented times, that will have a sobering effect on the economy. However, we are doing everything in our power to ensure that we are in a position to be able to continue to hire and support both our communities and our customers during these hard times. To meet the talent supply, we are expanding our remote sourcing and hiring with our video recruiting and screening platforms as well as desktop deployment across all regions. 


Everise Experience Center Report

Over the past week, our teams have been working hard to overcome some of the unique regional challenges to ensure we are continuing to achieve our work-at-home targets. Specifically, our experience center in the Philippines made monumental strides to safely increase our work-at-home workforce from 56% to 87%. 


Our One Week Forecast

Our goal is to get our remaining workforce productive and working from home, increasing to an 86% remote champion population by Friday. Our promise is to continue going the extra mile for you, your customers and our people



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