Posted by Everise on Nov 27, 2019
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Posted by Everise on
Nov 27, 2019
Posted By: Everise


Balancing your passion with your work is not easy, but not impossible. All it takes is the right attitude and mindset. Take Aysah Reyes Dalida for example, a Trainer at our Manila Everise Experience Center. On top of molding future agents, she is also a member of the Philippine national team for squash, a sport that involves a racket and ball played by two or four players in a four-walled court.

She developed an interest for the sport at an early age when she enrolled in a sports summer clinic. The coach of the national squash team, who also trained her in the summer clinic, took notice of her potential. At the age of 12, she became a member of the national junior squash team. Since then, she has brought honor to her country by representing the country both here and abroad.

“I started when I was 12. I enrolled in a Milo Summer Sports Program. They scout potential players from there and that is when I started to be part of the national training pool. It’s a big honor for me to represent the country in local and international games.”


Recently, Aysah will be representing in the Philippines in the 2019 SEA Games hosted by her home country.

Training for squash or any kind of sport takes discipline and a lot of sacrifice. This kind of mindset and determination is what Aysah brought as a Trainer here at Everise.

“As an athlete, I have this winning mentality. Something that we have here in Everise. You have to have this winning attitude for you to be able to be successful in this industry.”

Her winning attitude and determination are what she tries to impart in her team of future agents. 

At Everise, we ensure that we put the spotlight on the people behind our success. That’s why we are featuring employees from different walks of life and shedding a little light on the people of Everise. Learn more about our Manila Experience Center and our people just like Aysha today!

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