Everise Insights

Case Study: Enabling Exponential Growth for BlueJeans Networks

Written by Everise | May 14, 2020

Among Everise's many marque partners is BlueJeans Networks, the world leader in video cloud conferencing. Amidst uncertainty and chaos, the strength of our partnership enabled us to transition the enterprise support team into a home-based environment over 2 days.

The Challenge

BlueJeans strength is enabling virtual collaboration and powering business continuity for some the world’s largest global enterprise, including Facebook, Twitter, Nike, Coke, LinkedIn, Starbucks, Intuit and more. BlueJeans required crisis-resilient enterprise-grade technical support that their customers could rely on.


The Solution

Everise CX setup a team of highly trained support agents in Manila to handle new account provisioning, customer care and account management. One unique aspect of our support is that it is all delivered virtually over – a strong reminder to customers of their value.


The Result

Everise continued overachievement has resulted in a strong partnership between the two companies. As companies around the world scrambled to operate a remote workforce, Everise nimbly transitioned 100% of the team in a work-at-home environment within one week, ensuring they could continue supporting their customers. Despite growing by 4X over the past two months, Everise CX team has been able to support the increase volumes with a mere 20% headcount augmentation.


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