Everise Insights

Tips for Successful Virtual Training

Written by Everise | Apr 1, 2020

The process of communication and learning has never been easier thanks the current state of technology. Learning methods have continuously evolved to suit people’s needs throughout the years and are now taking place inside a virtual platform. Here are some tips for participants and facilitators to succeed in their virtual training.

Learning through online methods have been around for quite some time. One type of online learning is called a “Webinar”, which is like an online seminar. It is a method of learning that can be described as a one-way presentation of information.

Virtual training, on the other hand, is a more interactive form of online learning that replicates a classroom learning experience led by a virtual instructor. Instead of being a one-way presentation, participants can ask questions directly and learn with a more hands-on approach.

At Everise, our experience managing both a global workforce and work-at-home support agents has taught us a lot about how to run successful training. We spoke to George Chew and Aaron Martin at Everise PX, who shared some helpful tips for both participants and facilitators to ensure you can also have productive virtual training experience.


For Participants:
1) Give your full focus to the virtual course as if you are in a physical classroom.
  • During the virtual training make sure you will not be interrupted by outside distractions and/or work obligations.
  • Close IM and email apps and make sure phones are not distracting.
  • Let people know you won’t be available for the entirety of the class time.
2) Be attentive to the what is happening in the course; if the instructor asks for validation to a question make sure to answer in an appropriate amount of time.
  • This can be verbally or a simple written “got it”.
3) Be early to class.
  • Prior to the class make sure all apps, programs and equipment is set up and working properly.
  • If there is an issue with connections, equipment, and/or applications let the instructor know ASAP.
4) Participate as often as possible.
  • Read or listen to other participant’s responses before making comments or responses of your own.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for clarification.
  • Take notes; either digital or hard copy.
5) Be patient with technology.
  • With all the people in the same virtual classroom there could be some lag or a general slowdown.


For Facilitators: 
1) Be clear with instructions.
  • Give clear instructions which are easy to understand. Repeat instructions if necessary and ask if participants understood.
2) Set ground rules
  • Include the class participants in this process for increased buy in.
  • If need be, refer back to the rules that everyone agreed on.
3) Respond with more engagement then you normally would in a physical classroom when people introducing themselves and sharing things about themselves.
  • Communicate with your participants and make them feel welcome. Give them the same amount of interest you would want them to give you.
4) Introductions to new topics need to have a smooth transition.
  • Work out most of the technical issues before the training starts.
5) Take advantage of features of the virtual classroom program, like have everyone thumbs up if agree to ground rules.
  • Utilize virtual interactions to make the program more interactive and fun.
6) Be patient
  • Understand the difficulties that come along with a virtual class. Certain issues such as inconsistent connections may come up due to factors outside of your control.
7) Keep your volume level consistent
  • Ask your participants if the audio is clear or if they want you to speak louder so you can measure your speaking volume.


There is no perfect learning method, but through virtual training, people are given a means to teach and learn in a way that doesn't require them to physically interact. As with any form of tutoring, both participants and facilitators need to work together and cooperate for a successful virtual training experience.


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