Everise Insights

Championing Diversity & Inclusion | Sudhir Agarwal, Founder and CEO

Written by Everise | Jun 16, 2021

As a global customer experience company, forming a diverse and globally connected workforce has always been our goal at Everise. In a fast-paced world, social and technological changes will continue to disrupt different industries, and with the complex situation of today’s work environment, tapping into the potential of our people becomes even more critical. Organizations around the globe need to evolve their business to address the challenges of an increasingly demanding work landscape.




Our Championing Diversity & Inclusion series features our Everise leaders as they share their insights on evolving traditional workplace paradigms and promoting an inclusive work environment.

In this episode, Everise Founder and CEO Sudhir Agarwal shared his thoughts on the value of diversity in building our company. Sudhir also touched on his vision of what Everise would be since its conception, how diversity and inclusion are incorporated into our culture, and how vital they were in our decisions moving forward as a company.


Q: Why is Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion a core part of your strategy at Everise?

A: From the day I started Everise, I was very clear I wanted to be a different company. I want to be a great company, not just an average company. And diversity, for me, has been my number one priority from day one of building Everise. Diversity for me is not just the simple way the world looks at, which is the male to female ratio. I think diversity comes with race, comes with gender, and comes with leadership across different levels. And I think that's something that is a key pillar for us at Everise, and we remain focused on that.


Q: How is Everise leading the charge in gender parity?

A: I think Everise is leading, and it's creating new benchmarks in the industry as far as diversity goes. Let's start by first looking at our Glassdoor ratings. It is one of the highest, not just in the industry but even across other companies. It's actually extremely high. If you look at our diversity ratios right from a leadership level, down to our Asian population and our Champions, it is highest in all the levels, and we continue to strive to push ourselves and keep getting better at it.


Q: How do you get leadership engaged to create an inclusive culture?

A: Firstly, I think it all starts at the top. I'm extremely focused on all my leaders that they start with all the CX level people that we have in the company. Diversity is not just a good to do, but it's a have-to-do. I think, earlier when we were building Everise, it was a little bit of a challenge for people to get used to it.

But I think now diversity is a KPI or a key area for every leader in the company. If you look at my direct reports, we have a very good diversity ratio out there. And if you keep going one level below and below, the diversity level actually keeps increasing. The way this has happened is because every leader truly believes in diversity, and they do this because they believe in it, not just because they have to do it.


Q: Why is diversity important to our clients?

 A: Diversity is important to everyone in the ecosystem today. It's not just about us or about our clients; it's really about anyone who wants to do business. Diversity has become a number one boardroom agenda. A lot of our partners, when they select their partners, will actually go through the entire diversity ratios and what your diversity policy is. And it's not just on paper - they actually want to see that in practice. So diversity is an extremely important agenda for each and every company of today.



At Everise, we understand the need for an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity. We value the different cultures of our people, and we want them to feel welcome and safe as they bring their full authentic selves to work. By ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to contribute and grow with us as an organization, we create a unique culture that promotes innovation by embracing diversity.

Our leadership teams are spearheading our diversity initiatives and have been doing so since Everise was first established. Today, they continue to innovate our culture and evolve our practices in delivering world-class experiences.


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