Everise Insights

Adapting to Changing Consumer Preferences: Trends and Opportunities for Enrollment Success

Written by Everise | Jun 7, 2023

Being in the world of insurance means constantly needing to evolve and adapt. This remains especially true during enrollment periods, as redefining business practices and outreach strategies to meet consumer preferences is often essential to achieve business goals. 

Thoughtfully and intentionally creating various enrollment periods strategies is important, but the work doesn't stop there. A good strategy is one that is evolving and flexible so that you can make necessary adjustments and better meet the needs of consumers. Whether your business goals for the next enrollment period are centered around procuring new consumers, retaining current policyholders, or building brand recognition, adaptability is essential to any enrollment period strategy. 

There are a variety of different ways that you can prioritize adaptability and outsourcing is one of them. By outsourcing various areas of enrollment period responsibilities, your business can gain access to specialized expertise and save money. Working with outsourced teams means achieving your goals in new, effective ways - could it be the right choice for meeting your enrollment period objectives? 


Understanding Consumer Behaviors That Impacted Enrollment Periods 

There are various ways that consumer behaviors can inform your enrollment period strategy. Let's review some recent changes that should be kept in mind when entering the next enrollment period. 

Popular Mediums 

The last few decades have brought about unprecedented changes in the mediums that are popular. In today's world, having a digital presence and incorporating online initiatives into your overall strategy is essential. 

There are other mediums to consider besides establishing yourself online. Considering these other mediums is important, especially if you primarily serve an older demographic. 


When choosing the mediums your business will use, it's essential to think about your target consumers and their daily habits. For example, seniors are more likely to use Facebook than Instagram. However, younger audiences will likely be more connected on platforms like TikTok. 

While you don't need to dominate every digital space, picking a few to focus on is important. Having a deep understanding of your key demographic is essential. Understanding what marketing initiatives reach them best, as well as how they're likely to respond, can inform future decisions and ensure that you're investing in the right areas. 

Consumer Perceptions 

For many consumers, enrollment periods can be stressful and overwhelming. Researching to understand the main sentiments of your target demographic around enrollment periods can help you adjust your strategy and ensure that you're speaking to potential concerns they may have. 


The Changing Healthcare Landscape 

Recent changes in the healthcare landscape are affecting both consumers and insurers. With the rise of consumerism in healthcare, individuals are seeking to be more involved in their care and find more cost-efficient options. 

Both their increased involvement and desire for budget-friendly healthcare options are affecting enrollment periods. Now more than ever, consumers are more interested in their coverage and how it can benefit them. Because of this, insurance agencies must not only provide more resources but have customer service teams that are available and able to answer questions (which is something that can be outsourced). 


Adapting to Changing Consumer Preferences 

Enrollment periods are crucial times for the success of insurance businesses. Meeting enrollment rate goals and retaining current customers are two ways businesses measure success, but how exactly does this have to do with consumer preferences? 

By adapting to changing consumer preferences, brands can set themselves apart from the rest and connect with their target demographics on a human level. When consumers feel connected to your brand, they're more likely to not only remain with your policy option but also give valuable word-of-mouth referrals. 

There are various trends that are important to consider within this discussion. Let's review some of the most prevalent changes recently seen in consumer preferences. 


Telemedicine has been around for years but rapidly grew in popularity during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the biggest shifts in the past decade for the healthcare industry is a rise in accessibility. Telemedicine makes it easier than ever to receive care, but it has undoubtedly impacted the insurance industry. 

Different policies have various specifications about telehealth and what exactly is covered, so it’s important to provide that information to policyholders so that they can make informed decisions. 

Personalized Care 

Personalized care is becoming increasingly popular as patients are encouraged to advocate for themselves and utilize important resources. Now more than ever, patients want to be seen as individuals rather than medical statistics. This also remains true for the insurance industry, as policyholders want to be seen and heard for who they are. 

If you find that policyholders are reaching out because they want personalized care and to take full advantage of their policies, it may be time to outsource customer service. Especially during enrollment periods, questions about policies can quickly become overwhelming. Outsourcing this area can be an excellent way to relieve some stress from your in-house team and ensure your policyholders get answers to their questions. 

Digital Engagement 

Being able to digitally engage with patients is one of the most valuable offerings technology can provide. Patients can now speak online with their doctors, care teams, and insurers, offering greater access and more patient control.  

Because of the higher level of patient control, it's now more important than ever that insurance agencies focus on strategies for engaging with their policyholders and developing strategies that will set them apart from competitors. 

Key Strategies 

We've reviewed the importance of adapting strategies to changing consumer preferences, but how can this be done? Below are three key strategies you can use during the coming enrollment periods to ensure that you're meeting the ever-changing needs of policyholders. 

  • Technology 

    Many insurance businesses are still not fully harnessing the power of technology. By using the right software, you can gain greater insight into the consumer journey, making modifications when necessary. 

    Employing the right technology can give you a greater level of understanding about changing consumer preferences, as well as give you important data (more on this later). 

    Technology can play an important role in potential policyholder engagement, but it also is an essential factor once policyholders have been acquired. Thinking about both stages is essential as you head into an enrollment period, so consider how you can leverage the possibilities of technology to help you reach your business goals. 

  • Customer-Focused Marketing 

    Customer-focused marketing is one of the most important tools that insurance businesses can use to succeed during enrollment periods. Utilizing proven strategies and current information can help you formulate a marketing approach that speaks to target policyholders' unique needs and concerns. 

    By shifting the focus from products to customers, your brand can engage on a different level that is often more effective. Policyholders can get plan information from any insurance agency, but they are not always being reached on a more personal level. Connecting with them on this level is often more memorable and efficient than simply providing a basic, high-level policy explanation. 

  • Data Analytics 

    When it comes to consumer preferences, data is one of the most powerful resources there is. Data can provide valuable insight into the customer journey, what marketing approaches are currently working for your business, and how you can improve in the future. 

    While data is an incredibly valuable tool, many insurance businesses either aren't collecting it effectively or don't know what to do with their current data. If you find yourself in either of these categories, consider if outsourcing could be the solution. Outsourcing data analytics can be a fantastic way to stay in touch with consumers and cater your strategies to their changing needs. 


Outsourcing Solutions for Adapting to Changing Consumer Preferences 

Outsourcing various areas of help during enrollment periods can be an excellent way to keep up with changing consumer preferences and ensure that you are providing a high level of support. 

There are various areas of expertise that you can choose to outsource when it comes to understanding changing consumer preferences. Many people outsource their marketing so that they can collaborate with professionals that have years of experience in this area. Data analytics is another popular area to outsource, as well as customer service. 

By outsourcing help, you can access specialized expertise, ensure scalability, and save money. Let's dive into these benefits further. 

Specialized Expertise 

Outsourced staff will have years of experience working in the insurance industry during enrollment periods. They'll understand the unique needs and challenges that businesses have during this time and be able to present efficient and effective solutions. 

Suppose there's a specific area that you don't have time or resources to train your in-house staff in, such as data analytics or marketing. In that case, outsourcing can be an excellent way to access experienced staff. 


Scalability is one of the most sought out benefits that come from outsourcing. It's rarely possible to predict the level of support that you'll need during an enrollment period, so working with the right outsourcing partner means being able to adjust your staffing needs.  

When speaking with outsourcing partners, it’s important to ask them about their approach to scalability. This can give you a good understanding of their priorities and how they could affect your business. 

Cost Savings 

If you have a tight budget, then outsourcing can be an excellent way to get a lot of value for your money. Adding to your in-house team can be complicated and expensive, two things that are often not appealing during enrollment periods. By outsourcing, you can skip over many costs associated with expanding your in-house team and instead pay for only the services you use. 


Risks and Considerations of Outsourcing Solutions for Adapting to Changing Consumer Preferences 

As with all business decisions, it's important that you make an informed choice about outsourcing. Understanding the various risks and considerations is essential so that you can make a decision that's in the best interest of your business. 


There isn't a way to guarantee the quality of work you'll receive when you outsource. While it isn't possible to predict how your outsourced team will perform, there are a few things you can do to mitigate this potential issue. 

Reviewing an outsourcing partner's case studies is an excellent way to understand the work they provide and learn from their past experience. You can also include success metrics in your initial communications with a partner and discuss how their staff can help meet those metrics. 


Communication can be difficult, especially if you're working with an outsourced team in another location. This is more of a problem for some businesses, as some teams rely more heavily on communication than others. 

It's important to have clear communication guidelines set in place before you choose an outsourcing partner. This is a good way to ensure that everyone's on the same page and that their staff can meet the level of communication you're looking for. 

Loss of Control 

Outsourcing means giving up a certain level of control, which can be especially difficult during enrollment periods. If you're concerned about this potential problem, make sure that you choose a partner that you trust. Let's discuss this further. 

Evaluating Potential Outsourcing Partners 

The outsourcing vendor you choose can significantly impact your business, so it's essential to choose a partner you feel comfortable with. Being upfront about what you're looking for, asking any questions you have, and reading through their case studies are all good ways to ensure you're choosing the right vendor. 

It's important that you have enough time to conduct a thorough vendor search, so make sure that you plan and give yourself enough time before the next enrollment period. You should consider asking a few different questions while evaluating a potential vendor… 

  • What resources do you need from me? 

    Asking this question can help you set up your outsourced team for success. Knowing what resources a potential vendor will need allows you to plan accordingly and create anything necessary. 

  • What is your plan for scalability? 

    Understanding a vendor's approach to scalability can help you predict how they will respond if your staffing needs change throughout the enrollment period. This can also give you a good idea of their general business strategy and the support that they provide. 

  • How do you handle communication? 

    As we mentioned previously, communication is an important factor to consider when evaluating potential vendors. The methods they use to communicate, how often they communicate, and what they require of their team are all important insights to have. 


Key Strategies for Adapting to Changing Consumer Preferences 

There are a few different things you can do to make sure that you're adapting to changing consumer preferences. Doing the following things will ensure that you're setting your business up for enrollment period success. 

Leverage Technology 

As we mentioned previously, technology plays a key role in adapting strategies and providing elevated consumer options. By leveraging technology to improve the consumer experience, you can both retain current policyholders and pique the interest of potential customers searching for insurance. 

Take Advantage of Data 

Using data analytics to personalize marketing and communication strategies is one of the most powerful things you can do during an enrollment period. Providing an individualized approach can set you apart from the rest; data is often the key to doing this. 

If you're not currently using the data you have available, consider how an outsourcing partner may be able to help in this area. 

Customer-Centric Marketing 

Are you looking for a way to improve engagement? If you are, consider focusing on customer-centric marketing. This is an excellent way to draw attention to the unique problems that your business solves, helping consumers connect with your brand on a personal level. 

Improve Customer Service 

Customer service and support is an essential aspect of succeeding during enrollment periods. One of the best ways to ensure you have the resources you need in this area is to work with an outsourcing partner. Customer service is one of the most commonly outsourced work areas, as it's an excellent way to better assist your customers and provide them with the answers they need. 

Choosing to outsource customer service means preparing your business for the influx of policyholders that can happen during an enrollment period. 


Prioritizing Adaptability 

Enrollment periods can be unpredictable, so being adaptable is a key characteristic for businesses that are looking to succeed. Consumer preferences are constantly changing, which requires the same from your business strategies. If you're looking for ways to prioritize adaptability, consider outsourcing.  

Especially because of the changing healthcare landscape, outsourcing is an excellent way to meet the current demands of consumers, as well as optimize performance and meet business goals. Taketime today to consider if outsourcing could be the right option for your business during the next enrollment period.